王浩飞,SAP中国研究院副研究员,2007年毕业于华中科技大学软件学院。在武汉的四年,课没去上过多少次,别的东西看了不少,中间参加过一次Google summer of code, 学到不少东西。等到毕业才慢慢发觉原来大学课程里面基础的东西才比较重要,现在只得慢慢自己补。第一份工作是在成都diigo.com,使用Ruby on Rails开发社会化书签,一年之后,来到上海SAP做BlueRuby相关开发,主要负责编译器和类库的实现。平常喜欢开源相关的东西, 比如ubuntu, ruby, 但是用的多,做的少。没事的时候喜欢看看电影,科幻小说。

《Blue Ruby A Ruby VM for the ABAP Web Application Server》
The Blue Ruby project is about creating an enterprise-ready dynamic language environment for the programming language Ruby that runs inside the ABAP Virtual Machine. It combines the “best of both worlds” – lightweight, loosely-coupled, agile programming via Ruby, executed within the robust, proven SAP Web Application Server for ABAP. In many ways, Blue Ruby makes the simple things simple and the complex things possible. Rather than just running Ruby programs isolated on the ABAP server, Blue Ruby also provides two-way integration with the surrounding ABAP environment – ABAP programs can invoke Ruby code easily and Ruby programs are able to access existing ABAP functionality. However, this integration is strictly controlled by the Blue Ruby VM, turning Blue Ruby into a sandbox inside the ABAP server.
Blue Ruby is an exploratory research project from SAP Research Centers Palo Alto and China.
《Blue Ruby A Ruby VM for the ABAP Web Application Server》
The Blue Ruby project is about creating an enterprise-ready dynamic language environment for the programming language Ruby that runs inside the ABAP Virtual Machine. It combines the “best of both worlds” – lightweight, loosely-coupled, agile programming via Ruby, executed within the robust, proven SAP Web Application Server for ABAP. In many ways, Blue Ruby makes the simple things simple and the complex things possible. Rather than just running Ruby programs isolated on the ABAP server, Blue Ruby also provides two-way integration with the surrounding ABAP environment – ABAP programs can invoke Ruby code easily and Ruby programs are able to access existing ABAP functionality. However, this integration is strictly controlled by the Blue Ruby VM, turning Blue Ruby into a sandbox inside the ABAP server.
Blue Ruby is an exploratory research project from SAP Research Centers Palo Alto and China.
2 楼 KDr2 2009-05-20 14:07
1 楼 hustKiwi 2009-05-17 09:41